Monday, June 21, 2010

We're Backkkk

We made it home safely last night! We had a great trip but were exhausted and had one extremely excited baby girl to see!
We left really early Thursday morning (4:30 from home) for the airport and got to NY at 8:30. We went to our condo and dropped off our luggage and started touring immediately. We walked around Central Park, got lunch, then went to see the World Trade Center (the girls walked through Century 21 but it was way to crowded to shop). We stopped by a store and bought some necessities..(bottled water, beer, coke, chips and ice cream) and went back to the condo. Most of us napped while BJ, Paul Nathan and Kelley went bar hopping. Later we went to eat at a pizza place, caught some of the Lakers game (of course I stopped watching after about 30 mins of not seeing my bff Klhoe) and called it a night.
Friday we got up and went to a little cafe for breakfast and headed to see the Statue of Liberty. After about 2 hours in the crowded heat we boarded a ferry. It took us to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. (this trip took up most of the day but worth it) We went back to the condo, got ready and headed to see the Yankees. The subway to the Yankees game was absolutely miserable. We were packed in that thing, couldn't move and boy was it hot. We arrived at the stadium two hours early...a little early but it was still fun. Half of us went to the museum and the other have just toured the stadium (anything to stay out of the sun at this point). The boys (Turner and Cole) really enjoyed the game and were the life of our section. Cole was a dancing machine and Turner made friends with everyone. At one point I heard him tell a guy "my mom does taxes" haha too funny! Cole kept yelling Go Braves and everyone just laughed. We headed home in the sixth inning. Mom and I took the boys home and everyone else stopped at a bar to catch the rest of the game. Cole and I had ice cream in bed while watching cartoons.
Saturday we had breakfast at the house and headed to Times Square. Everyone loved it. We went in numerous stores including Hard Rock Cafe (where I bought Davis a onesie), the Hershey store, the M&M store (Cole absolutely loved this one), Toys-R-Us (Mindy and the boys rode the ferris wheel), had lunch and headed back to the house to rest. That night Mom, Kelley and I went to dinner and see The Lion King while the others went out to eat and some out for drinks.
Yesterday was travel day. (and Father's Day! I gave BJ a Guy Harvey tshirt with a matching onesie for Davis)
We had a wonderful trip and are so thankful for our awesome parents. Turner said next year we should go to Hawaii...haha I'm thinking somewhere close with an infant :)

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