Monday, February 1, 2010

Four day week...

Just like I had guessed, the crappy weather made for a change in plans. I still had the boys Saturday but because the weathers was so nasty we were stuck inside watching cartoons and baking brownies. I wish I would have taken some pictures to share. They were def glued to the tv. That night we had the crew over for hamburgers to celebrate Tripp's 31st bday. Weston, his 3 yr old step-son, is just adorable! After supper the guys played holdem' until the wee hours of the morning, of course while Roxie and I were trying to get our rest. (We were both exhausted from the day with the boys and being cooped up all day.) Sunday we overslept church and had dinner with my parents and Gma. Later, we went to Tripp and Stacey's so BJ could help Tripp move something and I played with Weston and chatted with Stacey. That was the extent of our weekend.
This weekend we had for our annual ski trip in Maggie Valley. I'm excited to have the day off Friday :)

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