Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Randomness

This week has been slightly exhausting to say the least. I know, can I get some cheese with that whine??? But seriously, my child has decided that he does not want to sleep at night and it is getting the best of his Mama. I came home today and tried to take a quick nap to somewhat catch up and prepare for another night. Let's hope he (we) sleep some tonight so that we can be well rested for a big day of shopping tomorrow. I know, I know you're thinking why wouldn't you stay home in your pj's and nap any chance you get. My theory: The weekend is only two days and as exhausted as I may be, I'll worry about that later.
Yall may be thinking..."You must be saving tons of money with all of this couponing you've been doing.."HA what a joke...ya see, I've mentioned before that I have a weakness for all things cute for my adorable child....These are some things that I have purchased this week. I think I mentioned that someone contacted me through another website that had a pic of D wearing something monogrammed and she said that she had a "Davis" and had tons of monogrammed stuff and wondered if I was interested in buying them for cheap..YES, PLEASE! Then I went to one of the local boutiques and fell in love with the other two pretties. Too bad I had to pay that boutique price.
I got the stuff for a Spring wreath for our front door. Isn't it pretty? I'd be lying if I said I made it but I did watch so that maybe next time I can figure it out :) And the pic below it...two taterheads peaking through the blinds trying to see what I'm doing...Happy weekend party people!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the buy that baby that cute stuff now! You can't get away with the John John's forever so you enjoy it white you can, girl! :) The wreath is beautiful and the pic through the blinds is precious!
