Wednesday, May 4, 2011


To say that we have busy would be an understatement. We have a very active 7 month old (yes, I realize that I haven't done his 7 month's almost complete just need to add the pics) who we can't take our eyes off of and have been non-stop. I am so sorry that b/c of our busy-ness my blog has been put on the back burner. I promise to try harder.
What we've been up to since I last posted....
The golden child and his wife (my older but younger brother, Paul Nathan) graced us with their presence for the weekend so we got in a bunch of time with them this weekend.
D tried corn on the cob (just sucking on it), baked potato (which he didn't seem to care for) and sucked on the bone of a shoulder roast for the first time at Duke and Grandma's. (Cole reading a book to D)Saturday we had a couples baby shower for Tripp, Stacey, Weston and baby girl. They had a great turnout and got some good stuff.Sunday we got to meet sweet Brianna (one of BJ's best friends had a baby girl in December..he lives in TX so this was our first time getting to see her and she was PRECIOUS! B is playing softball with the church this year. They had their first game Tuesday night. They lost but it was a really good game, he had fun (he's just "so sore"..cry me a river) and D got lots of spoiling by everyone there.
Are any of you still with me?? I know I'm babbling...sorry!!
I've been cooking a few new recipes that have turned out heavenly.
One being a sausage pasta casserole and another with chicken, carrots and potatoes in the crock pot.
I ordered Jillian Michaels 30 day shred after reading so many blogs about it. Now if only I can get up early enough to actually do it.Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Do you think you could find the time to forgive me for being so slack?? :)


  1. Hey girl! I have some exciting news for you! You won my give away! Can I have your email? I need to email you details...Congrats and thanks so much for entering. You can check the post out on my site where I gave you a "shout out" and you can email me first if you would like at I need your address :)

    Have a great day! xoxox

  2. Ok, so I now need this book. I have been super slack in all areas of blogging and I never read any except a few so I want to get skinny! Should I buy this?
